An Article appeared in the Bostom Globe today about companies who hook up with executives on a part time basis, to be their outside CFO. To read article please go to click on this link.
Bell and Company has been doing this for years with our trucking clients. As pointed out in the article, part time CFO’s provide seasoned experts in the financial transportation sector that a company could not afford on a full time basis. Bell is able to assist the owners and help them chart thru the economic downturn the transportation industry has been in the last three years. Companies with CFO’s have used Bell as well, making our firm part of their consulting group, constantly looking for outside experience to assist them in retaining profitability for their companies. Join the Bell group today, and give me a call. If we do not work out , as the article points out, it is easy to send a consultant out the door, than a full time executive employee. Give us a call at 501.753.9700.
Outsourcing CFO and general accounting responsibilities has become a more commonplace practice in many industries. We do alot of work in the software industry likewise.
I am really glad that I have found this post and I thank you for letting us know about this information….This is a big help for sure!!Thanks!!
part time cfo
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